Esther Arnáiz Rodrigo
Esther Arnáiz Rodrigo
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Cited by
Biogas-based polyhydroxyalkanoates production by Methylocystis hirsuta: A step further in anaerobic digestion biorefineries
JC López, E Arnáiz, L Merchán, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Chemical Engineering Journal 333, 529-536, 2018
Supercritical fluid extraction of free amino acids from broccoli leaves
E Arnáiz, J Bernal, MT Martín, MJ Nozal, JL Bernal, L Toribio
Journal of chromatography A 1250, 49-53, 2012
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with capillary flow modulation to separate FAME isomers
P Manzano, E Arnáiz, JC Diego, L Toribio, C García-Viguera, JL Bernal, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1218 (30), 4952-4959, 2011
Supercritical fluid extraction of lipids from broccoli leaves
E Arnáiz, J Bernal, MT Martín, C García‐Viguera, JL Bernal, L Toribio
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 113 (4), 479-486, 2011
Elucidating the influence of environmental factors on biogas-based polyhydroxybutyrate production by Methylocystis hirsuta CSC1
Y Rodríguez, PIM Firmino, E Arnáiz, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Science of the Total Environment 706, 135136, 2020
Optimization of photosynthetic biogas upgrading in closed photobioreactors combined with algal biomass production
R Ángeles, E Arnaiz, J Gutiérrez, CA Sepúlveda-Muñoz, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 38, 101554, 2020
Optimisation of the supercritical fluid extraction of antioxidants from broccoli leaves
E Arnáiz, J Bernal, MT Martín, JC Diego, JL Bernal, LT Recio
Food Analytical Methods 9, 2174-2181, 2016
Who eats what? Classifying microbial populations based on diurnal profiles of rRNA levels
D Frigon, E Arnaiz, DB Oertherf, L Raskin
Water Science and Technology 46 (1-2), 1-9, 2002
Value-added co-products from biomass of the diatoms Staurosirella pinnata and Phaeodactylum tricornutum
S Savio, S Farrotti, D Paris, E Arnaìz, I Díaz, S Bolado, R Muñoz, ...
Algal Research 47, 101830, 2020
Nitrous oxide abatement coupled with biopolymer production as a model GHG biorefinery for cost-effective climate change mitigation
OD Frutos, I Cortes, S Cantera, E Arnaiz, R Lebrero, R Munoz
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (11), 6319-6325, 2017
Sequential supercritical fluid extraction of lipids. Application to the obtention of the fatty acid profile of some genetically modified varieties of corn
L Toribio, JL Bernal, MJ Nozal, E Arnaiz, J Bernal
Food Analytical Methods 4, 196-202, 2011
Biogas-based production of glycogen by Nostoc muscorum: Assessing the potential of transforming CO2 into value added products
R Angeles, E Arnaiz, J Gutiérrez, R Muñoz, R Lebrero
Chemosphere 275, 129885, 2021
Determination of volatiles in mouse urine by headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
E Arnáiz, D Moreno, R Quesada
Analytical Letters 47 (5), 721-729, 2014
Biological Nitrous Oxide Abatement by Paracoccus denitrificans in Bubble Column and Airlift Reactors
OD Frutos, I Cortes, E Arnaiz, R Lebrero, R Muñoz
Chemical Engineering Transactions 54, 289-294, 2016
Trimethylamine abatement in algal-bacterial photobioreactors
C Pascual, I Akmirza, R Pérez, E Arnaiz, R Muñoz, R Lebrero
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 9028-9037, 2020
Improved separation of fame isomers using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Application to Broccoli samples
P Manzano, E Arnáiz, JC Diego, L Toribio, MJ Nozal, JL Bernal, J Bernal
Food Analytical Methods 5, 920-927, 2012
Recent advances in pond and algal technologies for wastewater treatment and resource recovery
E Arnaiz, R Lebrero, I de Godos, MA Camargo-Valero, R Muñoz
Water Science and Technology 82 (6), iii, 2020
Extracción con fluidos supercríticos en la obtención de compuestos con actividades funcionales a partir de hojas de brócoli
EA Rodrigo
Universidad de Valladolid, 2011
Aplicación de la clasificación automática en la construcción de una tipología de residentes en Proyecto Hombre de Gipuzkoa (País Vasco)
PL Múgica, J Jimenez, M Alkorta, JA Diego, E Arnaiz
Eguzkilore: Cuaderno del Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 39-52, 1994
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Articles 1–19