Stephanie Kelly
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Cited by
A look at leadership styles and workplace solidarity communication
S Kelly, P MacDonald
International Journal of Business Communication 56 (3), 432-448, 2019
Intercultural communication apprehension and emotional intelligence in higher education: Preparing business students for career success
LT Fall, S Kelly, P MacDonald, C Primm, W Holmes
Business Communication Quarterly 76 (4), 412-426, 2013
Teacher immediacy and decreased student quantitative reasoning anxiety: The mediating effect of perception
S Kelly, C Rice, B Wyatt, J Ducking, Z Denton
Communication Education 64 (2), 171-186, 2015
A path model of workplace solidarity, satisfaction, burnout, and motivation
P MacDonald, S Kelly, S Christen
International Journal of Business Communication 56 (1), 31-49, 2019
Instructor clarity, humor, immediacy, and student learning: Replication and extension
MT Violanti, SE Kelly, ME Garland, S Christen
Communication Studies 69 (3), 251-262, 2018
Perceived credibility of an AI instructor in online education: The role of social presence and voice features
J Kim, K Merrill Jr, K Xu, S Kelly
Computers in Human Behavior 136, 107383, 2022
New technologies and distributed learning systems
S Kelly, DK Westerman
Handbooks of Communication Science: Communication and Learning 16, 455-480, 2016
Immediacy as an influence on supervisor-subordinate communication
S Kelly, CYK Westerman
Communication Research Reports 31 (3), 252-261, 2014
Reexamining the writing apprehension measure
H Autman, S Kelly
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 80 (4), 516-529, 2017
The effect of instructors’ immediate behaviors and clarity on student writing apprehension
S Kelly, J Gaytan
Business and Professional Communication Quarterly 83 (1), 96-109, 2020
Instructor misbehaviors and math anxiety
S Kelly, A Romero, JA Morrow, Z Denton, J Ducking
Communication Reports 33 (1), 27-40, 2020
The relationship between nurses’ training and perceptions of electronic documentation systems
N Zaman, DM Goldberg, S Kelly, RS Russell, SL Drye
Nursing Reports 11 (1), 12-27, 2021
Measurement in intercultural and cross-cultural communication
SM Croucher, S Kelly
Communication Research Measures III, 141-159, 2019
Examining the role of perceived immediacy as a mediator: Revisiting the relationships among immediate behaviors, liking, and disclosure
SE Kelly
A comparative analysis of Covid-19-related prejudice: the United States, Spain, Italy, and New Zealand
SM Croucher, T Nguyen, E Pearson, N Murray, A Feekery, A Spencer, ...
Communication Research Reports 38 (2), 79-89, 2021
Exploring Business Students' Communicative Needs: Social Presence In Effective Online Instruction
S Christen, S Kelly, L Fall, LG Snyder
The Journal of Research in Business Education 57 (1), 31, 2015
An investigation of computer-mediated instructional immediacy in online education: A comparison of graduate and undergraduate students’ motivation to learn
S Kelly, LT Fall
Journal of Advertising Education 15, 44-51, 2011
Doing communication science: Thoughts on making more valid claims
S Kelly, D Westerman
Annals of the International Communication Association 44 (3), 177-184, 2020
A multi-national validity analysis of the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24)
SM Croucher, S Kelly, D Rahmani, K Jackson, F Galy-Badenas, A Lando, ...
Annals of the International Communication Association 43 (3), 193-209, 2019
A qualitative study of college student responses to conflicting messages in advertising: anti-binge drinking public service announcements versus wine promotion health messages
HY Ahn, L Wu, S Kelly, E Haley
International journal of public health 56, 271-279, 2011
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Articles 1–20