Stephen Croucher
Stephen Croucher
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Cited by
Prejudice toward Asian Americans in the COVID-19 pandemic: The effects of social media use in the United States
SM Croucher, T Nguyen, D Rahmani
Frontiers in Communication 5, 39, 2020
Understanding communication research methods: A theoretical and practical approach
SM Croucher, D Cronn-Mills
Routledge, 2014
Integrated threat theory and acceptance of immigrant assimilation: An analysis of Muslim immigration in Western Europe
SM Croucher
Communication Monographs 80 (1), 46-62, 2013
Social networking and cultural adaptation: A theoretical model
SM Croucher
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 4 (4), 259-264, 2011
Cultural fusion theory: An alternative to acculturation
SM Croucher, E Kramer
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 10 (2), 97-114, 2017
Intercultural communication: Where we’ve been, where we’re going, issues we face
SM Croucher, M Sommier, D Rahmani
Communication Research and Practice 1 (1), 71-87, 2015
Conflict styles and high–low context cultures: A cross-cultural extension
SM Croucher, A Bruno, P McGrath, C Adams, C McGahan, A Suits, ...
Communication Research Reports 29 (1), 64-73, 2012
Communication apprehension, self-perceived communication competence, and willingness to communicate: A French analysis
SM Croucher
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 6 (4), 298-316, 2013
Looking beyond the hijab
SM Croucher
Hampton Press (NJ), 2009
Basque nationalism and the spiral of silence: An analysis of public perceptions of ETA in Spain and France
AT Spencer, SM Croucher
International Communication Gazette 70 (2), 137-153, 2008
Integrated threat theory
SM Croucher
Oxford research encyclopedia of communication, 2017
French-Muslims and the hijab: An analysis of identity and the Islamic veil in France
SM Croucher
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 37 (3), 199-213, 2008
Religious Misperceptions: The Case of Musims and Christians in France
SM Croucher, D Cronn-Mills
Hampton Press, 2011
Religion, culture, and communication
SM Croucher, C Zeng, D Rahmani, M Sommier
Oxford research encyclopedia of communication, 2017
Organizational dissent and argumentativeness: A comparative analysis between American and Indian organizations
SM Croucher, R Braziunaite, D Homsey, G Pillai, J Saxena, A Saldanha, ...
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 38 (3), 175-191, 2009
Muslim and Christian conflict styles in Western Europe
S Croucher
International Journal of Conflict Management 22 (1), 60-74, 2011
How limiting linguistic freedoms influences the cultural adaptation process: An analysis of the French Muslim population
SM Croucher
Communication Quarterly 57 (3), 302-318, 2009
Perceived threat and prejudice towards immigrants in Finland: A study among early, middle, and late Finnish adolescents
E Nshom, S Croucher
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 10 (4), 309-323, 2017
Like, you know, what I’m saying: A study of discourse marker frequency in extemporaneous and impromptu speaking
SM Croucher
National Forensic Journal 22 (2), 38-47, 2004
All the children are above average: Parents' perceptions of education and materialism as media effects on their own and other children
PC Meirick, JD Sims, ES Gilchrist, SM Croucher
Mass Communication and Society 12 (2), 217-237, 2009
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Articles 1–20